Noun is a word that can be named. It can be a person, place, animal, thing, birds and animals etc.
Types of nouns:
- Proper Noun
- Common Noun
- Abstract Noun
- Concrete Noun
- Countable Noun
- Non-countable Noun
- Collective Noun
- Compound Noun
1. Proper Noun
A proper nouns is the name of proper (particular/specific) person, place or thing. It always starts a capital letter
- Ajay - person
- India - place
2. Common Noun
A common noun is a common word for a class of person, place or thing.
- man - person
- office - place
- pen - thing
3. Abstract Noun
An abstract noun is word for emotions/feelings, qualities/virtues which cannot be seen (virtually exists).
- happiness - emotion
- time - quality
4. Concrete Noun
A concrete noun is a word for the things that can be seen (physically exists). It is opposite to abstract noun.
5. Countable Noun
A countable noun that can be counted.
- pen (we can say 1 pen, 2 pens, 3 pens like that which can be countable).
- apple (we can say 1 apple, 2 apples, 3 apples like that which can be countable).
6. Non-countable Noun
A non-countable noun that can not be counted. It is opposite to countable noun.
- water (we can't say as 1 water, 2 water, 3 water like that which can not be countable).
- sand (we can't say as 1 sand, 2 sand, 3 sand like that which can not be countable).
7. Collective Noun
A collective nouns is a group of people, things etc.
- team - group of people
- dozen - group of 12 things
8. Compound Noun
A compound noun is a noun that is two or more nouns together.
- son-in-law
- red-ball
- green-tea