A preposition is word used make position prior to other words(like noun, pronoun, or phrases).
Structurally prepositions are:
- Simple Prepositions
- Double Prepositions
- Compound Prepositions
- Participle Prepositions
- Phrase Prepositions
Functionally prepositions are:
- Prepositions for Place - in room, on table, at KPHB
- Prepositions for Time - in 2020, on Monday, at 3PM
- Prepositions for Direction - into room, under table
- Prepositions for Connection - by him, with you
1. Simple Prepositions
A simple prepositions are words like
of, to, for, under, at.
2. Double Prepositions
A double prepositions is two simple prepositions used together like
into, onto, upon, out of.
3. Compound Prepositions
A compound prepositions are consists of a simple preposition with other words. Examples are
in the middle of, on the behalf of, at the center of.
4. Participle Prepositions
A Participle prepositions are having ending with words as -ed and -ing. Examples are
during, executing.
5. Phrase Prepositions
A phrase prepositions includes a preposition with an object or object's modifier. Examples are
at home, on time.