My Bicycle Journey to Home

This is Praveen Kumar from the Department of Mathematics. When I have entered the campus, I have seen everyone roaming on the bicycle. Immediately, I asked my father to buy me a bicycle. After that, early morning my job is to clean my bicycle to appear as new for others. If someone asks my bicycle, I will be so sad because it is my girlfriend; they are asking even my girlfriend, so sad. But, Due to the friendship, I may give for them (my bicycle, I don’t have Girlfriend).

So days passing, in the month of April, I started to teach outside for class 12 the mathematics. My girlfriend (bicycle) ready to drop me at tuition. It earned its own money, I was so happy to say this. Finally coming to the point, when my final exams going on, I was feared, didn't write well. I have to go home after the completion of the Holidays. So, I have a thought to go home by bicycle. But it is not that simple to put in action all of sudden. At last, I started my journey with Joy to home. I carried one helmet, one water bottle, and a good torch. I was started at 2:00 AM. I am moving towards Fatima, after 2kms I was done with my ride. I want to stop; I started thinking to go back. In life, if you have any difficulties, immediately we will search for alternatives. We do not have the patience to wait for it.

Anyway, I took motivation from my Inner Guru. I moved with unlimited happiness without stopping anywhere up to station ghanpur, my cycling rate is 20km/hr. I want to increase my speed due to heavy trucks on the highway I faced a lot of troubles. So my suggestion to raiders is please do not raid in the night time. Anyhow, I went with the same speed. I felt so hungry; I was searched for food, at least one tea. My legs are shivering without my permission. Now, I understood I unable to move and I don't have the energy to touch the peddle. While moving, unexpectedly I have seen one graveyard. Oh my God! Hands are shaking, ghosts are calling me."In front of me, ghosts are waiting "I am thinking like that. But it was none other than me. Still, I raided only 35 km, now time 3:35 AM. I increased my speed with zero energy and strong power to cover 10kms within 25mins. So, we can understand from this, if we don't have the energy to do something, still we can do with strong will power it doesn't require any qualities and finally, I reached one Tea stall, I had two Teas eagerly. When I put my legs on peddling, the behavior of legs generating unknown power which is accelerating Nerves. I crossed Super speed vehicles with my girlfriend. The tippers making a lot of sounds while traveling in the Night. This may cause sound pollution and air pollution; it leads a lot of havoc to people. So I thought to reduce a little by decreasing vehicles and increasing the Bicycle.

I am moving with the elite joy and happiness of loud. I am very happy at all times. Because, I don't know how to suffer from problems, difficulties, and disturbances. I may get confused for sometimes, it occurred very few times. I will sleep with no tensions, wake up with superpower. I will have breakfast at exactly 7 AM. So, While cycling, I want to move, the time was 5:35 AM,I traveled more than 65 km,My speed was reduced. I again took one Bhadam Tea at Raghunathpally after that I reached Jangaon very fast. I was done. The Rain started showering on me. Still, my village is 20km far. I continued, I reached my home at 6 AM with Devine's blessings.

