Let am = x. Then m = loga x. (a = positive real number)
Let 26 = 64. Then 6 = log2 64.
Logarithm is a kind of operation, m is the number of times where base number a is multiplied by itself to reach number x.
Properties of Logarithms Note
loga 1 = 0 log of 1 to any base is 0.
logx x = 0 log of any number to its own base is always 1.
log 100 = 2 default base is 10 known as common logarithm.
loga (xy) = loga x + loga y
loga (x/y) = loga x - loga y
loga xp = p loga x
loga x = 1/logx a = logb x / logb a
