Place in India Sorbiquets/Nickname
Ahmedabad Manchester of India
Amritsar The city of golden temple
Arunachal Pradesh Land of Sunrise
Bangalore Silicon valley of India
Brahmaputra River Sorrow of assam
Bhubaneshwar Temple city of India
Calcutta City of palaces
Coimbatore Manchester of South-India
Damodar River Sorrow of bengal
Delhi The heart of India
Goa Pearl of the orient
Godavari River South Ganga
Himachal Pradesh All seasons state
Hyderabad Hi-tech city
Jaipur Pink city
Kashmir Paradise on earth, Switzerland of India
Kerala Spice garden of India
Madhya Pradesh Heart state of India
Madurai City of festivals
Meghalaya House of clouds
Mumbai Gateway of India, India's hollywood
Nagpur City of orange, Zero mile centre
Punjab Granary of India, The land of 5 rivers
Udaipur Lake city
Uttar Pradesh Sugar bowl of India
