Vidhan Lok Rajya Sabha

Vidhan Sabha Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha
a.k.a Legislative Assembly a.k.a House of the People a.k.a Council of States
Part of State legislature Indian Parliament Indian Parliament
The sole house of state legislature for unicameral legislature (OR) Lower house of state legislature for bicameral legislature Lower house of Indian Parliament Upper house of Indian Parliament
Direct Public Vote Direct Public Vote State & Territorial legislatures.
MLAs (Members of Legislative Assembly) Lok Sabha MPs (Member of Parliament) Rajya Sabha MPs
Not more than 500, not less than 60 552 members 250 members
Can be < 60 through act of parliament 530 by State, 20 by Union Territories and not more than 2 of anglo-indian community, who are appointed by President of India. 12 members are nominated by president for their contributions to art, literature, science and social services.
5 Years Term Duration (6 months may extend at state emergency (OR) may be dissolved by Governor on request of the Chief Minister.) 5 Years (1 year may extend at state emergency) 6 Years
The Speaker of the State Legislative Assembly is the chief presiding officer The Speaker elected as a leader by the elected government is the chief presiding officer The Vice President of India acts as the Chairman
Has the power to enact, amend and repeal laws. has the power to create and amend budgets and financial bills, but only on state level. Has the power to enact, amend and repeal laws. Has the power to create, amend budgets and financial bills. Has the power to enact, amend and repeal laws. Must approve any financial bill even if approved by Lok Sabha
